Saturday 12 May 2018

Zevachim 29: Wrong Time, Wrong Place

Some notes from today's daf:

  • "piggul" is used to refer to a an offer that is made intending to eat outside of its designated area
  • the rabbis use different hermeneutic tools to determine that an offering eaten outside of the designated area is not permitted (may be consumed) but not punishable by karet
  • a zav/a (one who is ritually impure because of sexual/genital changes) counts seven clean days after their discharge ends and then immerses in a mikvah
  • a woman who experiences "uterine bleeding" outside of menstruation, she must wait one clean day and then immerse in the mikvak
  • if a woman immerses and then bleeds again before nightfall, the interim time is considered to have been ritually pure
  • one instance of "uterine bleeding" for one day alone does not render her a zava; three days with breakthrough breathing render her a zava
  • the rabbis compare tithes and other time-bound offerings with bringing a first-born animal offering late (after its first year of life)
  • if one slaughters, collects blood, brings blood, sprinkles blood with the proper intent - ex. burning an item that should be burned on the altar - and the intent was to do this action outside of the designated area (even just an olive-bulk away), the offer is disqualified but the owner is not liable to be karet
  • if the intent is to do this action after the designated time, the offering is piggul and the owner is liable to be karet
  • if one eats or burns less than an olive-bulk of the offering with the intent of being in an inappropriate place or time, is there any violation?
  • are the rites separated into two actions that are each liable, or are they combined into one rite?

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