Monday, 20 April 2020

Shabbat 45: She'at Had'chak, Breaking Halachot of Mukzeh in Dangerous Times

We learn that some items that are muktzeh, staying put on Shabbat, are:

  • tools that would encourage forbidden labour, like a pen
  • dirty or disgusting items
  • Valuable items intended to be sold later
  • items not ready to be used on Shabbbat, like raisins that have not yet dried
  • items that were created on Shabbat, like eggs laid on Shabbat

Rabbi Yehuda says that the halachot of mukzeh should be more strict while Rabbi Shimon holds a very lenient position on the laws of mukzeh.  While the rabbis provide examples of why we should be strict about moving these items on Shabbat, attention is given to alternative perspectives.  

To this end, we learn that Rav's students asked whether we are allowed to move the chanukiah on Shabbat when Zoroastrian fire priests might see them.  Rav agrees that we are permitted to potentially save ourselves by moving the chanukiah under these circumstances.  When asked about moving a candle on Shabbat, Rav says that we should be more stringent.  Unless, of course, there are extraordinary circumstances.

We learn about the principle of she'at had'chak, time of pressure.  It refers to times when Jews are in danger.  We are permitted to follow more lenient opinions if we are at risk.  This is one result of the fascinating tradition of recording all opinions in Talmudic debates.  When required, we have moany sources of wisdom and not just the winning argument help our decision-making.

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