Sunday, 19 April 2020

Shabbat 44: Moving a Bed Carrying Money

We begin today's daf with a new Mishna teaching us about other halachot regarding items that are muchtze, set aside, on Shabbat.  A new oil lamp may be moved on Shabbat but an old one already used cannot be moved because it would be covered in soot and thus would be disgusting.  Rabbi Shimon says that all lamps may be moved on Shabbat except for an oil lamp that is burning on Shabbat because we would not want to accidentally extinguish that light.  What about walking while carrying the lit lamp on Shabbat... and even using the oil that drops from the lamp?

The Gemara uses money placed on a bed to explore the concept of moving prohibited items on Shabbat.  A bed might be designated as a place to set down money.  If that is the case, it is not permitted to move that bed, which would normally be allowed, on Shabbat.  In many cases, it is debatable whether a place that is designated for something is always considered to be designated for that purpose.  In this case, the rabbis suggest that even if there is no money on the bed on Shabbat, we cannot move the bed - and that is the case even if the money fell off of the bed over the course of the day.

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