Monday, 19 August 2019

Temura 31: Different Types of Consecration

Today's daf introduces the seventh perek of Teruma, which teaches us about the differences between kedushat mizbe'ach, animals consecrated for sacrifice on the altar, and kedushat bedek ha'bayit, objects consecrated for use by the Temple treasury for maintenance.  The Torah has taught us that that only when the owner of an animal with intrinsic holiness attempts to switch the sanctity to another animal that the both animals will become holy.

The Mishna teaches us:

  • the owner of an animal that is brought as a sacrifice may continue to derive some benefits from the animal
  • kedushat bedek ha'bayit applies to everything but kedushat mizbe'ach applies only to animals that can be sacrificed
The Gemara looks at the definition of the word "everything" in this context.  Ravina suggests that it includes shefuye ve'niva, holy shavings and fallen leaves from a tree that has been dedicated to the Temple treasury for keeping.  Regarding these 'neva', Rashi teaches that these leaves can be composted and used as fertilizer, while the Ramban says that these are the hard knobs on trees.

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