Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Temura 24: Skinning Animals on Yamim Tovim

Our Gemara teaches that our Sages said: One may not flay an animal from the feet on holy days; likewise one may not flay from the feet a firstborn or dedications unfit for sacrifice even on a weekday.  Animals' skins were removed by cutting straight lines from the bottom to the top of its stomach, keeping the skin whole so that it could be used as a container for liquids or small items.  

We know that skinning an animal on yamim tovim should be prohibited.  Slaughtering is allowed for food, but skinning involves work.  The Gemara offers several examples of why a first-born animal or a sanctified animal found to be unfit for sacrifice should be forbidden.  We learn that in the west (in Israel, )amrei b'ma'arava, this looks like performing work with sanctified animals.  Rashi says that this is not technically true.  There is no law against working with a sanctified animal after it is dead.  However, it seems inappropriate, which is enough to forbid the action.

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