Monday, 5 August 2019

Temura 17: The Status of Offspring and Temura

Perek III begins on today's daf.  The first Mishna tells us that the offspring of a korban shelamim, peace offering, is also sanctified.  As well, their temura, exchanged animals, are in the same category as the intended animals.  The sacrifice of this second animals will include semicha, placing hands on the animal's head, wine libations and giving the breast and the thigh of the animal to the priest.

Our Mishna applies this halacha to a peace offering but not to all sacrifices.  For example, regarding a korban chatat, a sin offering, the offspring of the korban chatat and and the temura of the korban chatat are left to die.  They cannot be used for any purpose, whether that is holy or secular.

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