Monday, 22 July 2019

Arachin 34: Leviim and the Redemption of Homes Within Average Sized Cities

As we have learned, Leviim are permitted to redeem houses within certain walled cities from purchasers at any time, not just within twelve months.  Each tribe entered the Land of Israel and received a portion of the land. The tribe of Levi received 48 cities that were within throughout the land of the other tribes.  Those cities and the fields surrounding them had their own laws.

Yesterday a baraita challenged the notion that the cities of the Leviim were little villages or large walled cities.  Perhaps they were cities captured from the Canaanites when entering the land.  Rav Ashi explains to us that thought those walls would have to have been destroyed, the laws of the walled cites still applied to Leviim who could redeem their homes at any time.

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