Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Bechorot 14: Bachorot that cannot be Redeemed

While the first perek focused on non-kosher animals and exchange for the priests, the second Derek looks at the laws of firstborn kosher animals that are usually meant to be brought as sacrifices in the Temple.  Today's Mishna teaches that if an animal is blemished and thus cannot be sacrificed.  It is set aside as a bachor, firstborn, but it is not redeemed and goes back to being a regular animal. 

Rabbi Elazar offers an alternative ruling: the owner of the animal IS liable, but for sacrificing outside of the Temple walls on secondary bamot, private temples, even when those were permitted.

Steinsaltz provides us with discussion and background on the use of private Temples both in the desert, in Shiloh, and until Jerusalem was established as the place to bring tithes for the priests.  

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