Wednesday 14 November 2018

Menachot 96: The Loaves and the Table

Today's daf offers a very long Mishna in amud (a).  It teaches us more detailed halacha regarding preparing and placing the shewbread on the table in the Temple.  We learn very specific instructions regarding the measurements of the loaves, their "horns", and their placement on the table.

Steinsaltz teaches us about Reish Lakish's interpretations: the table is said to be "pure" (Vayikra 24:6) because we are meant to understand that the table might be easily ritually defiled.  Although static vessels do not become ritually impure, Reish Lakish believes that the table was moved to demonstrate its glory to those who visited on the festivals.  Rabbi Yehoshua had taught that the table represents G-d's direct love of the children of Israel - the miraculous loaves stayed fresh until they were eaten by the priests one week after they were placed.  The Sefat Emet taught that G-d's love was in the twelve loaves as they were similar to the twelve tribes.  They were eaten on Shabbat, which created a divine essence to last throughout the week.

The rabbis debate whether or not the priests could have carried the table from the Temple to the courtyard, heavy with the extra weight of the loaves and rods.  Perhaps the priests just described the loaves to the people.  Or perhaps the loaves emitted steam which was visible to the people.

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