Tuesday 27 November 2018

Menachot 109: The Rights of Priests in Onias

A very brief note regarding today's daf:

We are introduced to two Mishnayot today, both of which consider similar circumstances.  In the first, the rabbis discuss whether or not a sacrifice is valid if it is offered in the temple in Onias, Egypt, instead of in the holy Temple in Jerusalem.  Although the priests in Onias were descendants of Aaron, the temple was a replica of Jerusalem's Temple.  The priests of Onias were not permitted to serve as priests in the Temple, even if their rituals in Onias were halachically bound; even though the Temple was built to honour G-d.  The second Mishna focuses more pointedly on those priests in Onias and the struggle as to whether or not their deeds honor G-d and thus entitle them to serve in any way in Jerusalem.

We are reminded again of the many competing sects at the time of the Temple.  Rabbinic Judaism was fighting for its place as the authority on Jewish practice.  At the same time, other groups and individuals were interpreting Torah and adapting halachic decisions to meet the needs of their communities.  We continue to face those questions regarding "what is Jewish" in times of assimilation and divided streams of Jewish interpretation and practice.  We don't wish to alienate other Jews, but sometimes 'their'  behaviours make us feel uncomfortable and we close the circle.

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