At the very end of today's daf, we are introduced to a new Mishna. It teaches us that woman's menstrual blood is like a vineyard: some is red and some is black in colour. Some is abundant and some is meagre. And just like leaven is good for bread, menstrual blood is good for a woman.
The rabbis discuss the importance of a woman's fertility. Like all of us, they want to know that they have some sense of understanding of and control over women's bodily functions.
I began Daf Yomi (Koren translation) in August of 2012 with the help of an online group that is now defunct. This blog is intended to help me structure and focus my thoughts as I grapple with the text. I am happy to connect with others who are interested in the social and halachic implications of our oral tradition. Respectful input is welcome.
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