Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Niddah 20: Black Menstrual Blood

Today's daf begins with a descriptions of different shades of black.  Ink, black olives, tar, ravens - the rabbis suggest that if menstrual blood is lighter than these shades of black, it is ritually pure.  If it is that dark, it is ritually impure.

The rabbis wonder whether or not bath attendants from other places wear black clothing.  Rabbi Yanai is said to have told his sons not to bury him in white nor in black so that he not seem like a bridegroom amongst mourners or a mourner amongst bridegrooms.  

The rabbis consider sources of blood other than menstruation.  The blood of desire was identified by its smell.  Then there was the blood of lice, where the rabbi would provide a woman with a comb for removing lice.  The rabbis also consider the colour of diluted wine when examining blood for ritual impurity.

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