Thursday 25 October 2018

Menachot 76: Sourcing Fine Flour, Buying in Bulk

Today's daf holds a Mishna teaching us about the preparation of the fine flour used in meal-offerings:

  • the omer offering brought on Pesach was prepared using 13 sifters
  • the two loaves brought on Shavuot  were prepared using 12 sifters
  • the 12 loaves on the table in the Temple each week were prepared using 11 sifters
  • Rabbi Shimon argues that there was no number but that flour was sifted carefully
The Gemara uses a baraita to expand on Rabbi Shimon's prooftext.  For example, the flour for the 12 loaves could be bought as prepared flour like other meal offerings or in their raw state, wheat.   Rabbi Elazar suggests that this is part of the Torah's focus on being frugal with money.  There was much more flour required to prepare the 12 loaves each week compared with the once a year omer or shavuot offerings.  Buying wheat instead of flour would save much money.  Perhaps the proof for this theory comes from Bamidbar (20) where the miracle of water was given to Jews and their cattle.  Are we again given what we need?

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