Sunday 8 October 2017

Sanhedrin 83: Order of Operations and Consequences

A note:

In daf 80 and the start of daf 81, among many other things, we learn about how to speak respectfully to a parent who is wrong.

In daf 83, We learn in a Mishna that certain tasks preparing things for holiness must be done in certain places, times and contexts.  These include putting oil on a mincha, breaking it into pieces, salting an offering, waving it, and fixing the candles on a menorah.  In our Gemara, the rabbis argue about what is mentioned and what is not mentioned; what type of law is transgressed.

A baraita is said to teach that people who do a number of actions, including a Kohen who eats ritually impure teruma.  The rabbis argue about whether and how this might be true.  But how are such things punished?  The rabbis consider what the punishment might be for a zav who transgresses by eating teruma.  The also discuss what to do about one who wrongly takes part in religious practice.

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