Sunday 3 September 2017

Sanhedrin 49: Yoav, Righteousness and Soldiers, The Order(s) of Importance

A brief discussion of today's daf:

The rabbis seem to enjoy their debate regarding Yoav, Avner, King David, and others who killed and were killed.  They consider the intention behind each of the killings - were they done with intent to kill?  Were they simply carrying out orders?  Were those royal orders in accordance with Torah law?  How righteous were these people?  

Amud (b) considers the importance of seder, the order of rituals in the Torah and in practice.  A new Mishna teaches about the four types of public executions: burning, stoning, choking and beheading.  It also teaches that checking for menstrual blood left in a garment involves seven distinct steps which must be done in order.  The Gemara suggests that doing things in careful, sequential order is critical for most if not all rituals and even all directives in the Torah, including chalitza and the dressing of the Kohen Gadol.  Our daf ends with another conversation about which of the four types of election is the most and the least severe.

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