Thursday 17 November 2016

Bava Metzia 52: Eroded Coins

A brief look at the core of today's daf.  We complete the Mishna that was begun yesterday regarding the value of a coin that has eroded.  How much of the coin must be eroded for it to be unusable? At what point does the coin create an ona'a because of it's diminished value?  When are coins taken out of circulation and how are they taken out of circulation?

The rabbis discuss these issues and much more in the Gemara.  Generally the rabbis discuss dinars that have been worn down; the face has been rubbed out.  These could be mistaken for other coins worth less than a dinar.  In fact, when dinars have lost fifty percent or more of their value, they must be taken out of circulation permanently to ensure that they do not create financial problems.  They can be used as jewelry or crushed.  

The Gemara poses many questions about what should be done when there is a question about the integrity of a coin.  Factors like the location of the transaction - a small town versus a city - and the timing of the transaction - before or during Shabbat - create different puzzles for our rabbis to solve.  Our daf ends with questions about these coins and teruma.

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