Saturday 4 July 2015

Nedarim 41: Memory Loss

Continuing their discussion of biker cholim, visiting the sick, we learn that anyone can lose their memory due to illness - or age.  Even Rav Yosef forgot his teachings.  Abaye was the student who reminded Rav Yosef of his former teachings.  If a great mind like Rav Yosef could forget what he had taught, how much more so will the rest of us forget what we have learned?

Similarly, Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi taught seven of the thirteen principles of halacha to his student, Rabbi Chiya.  When Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi aged and forgot these principles, Rabbi Chiya was able to share those seven principles.  A laundry person had overheard the original development of the principles, and he shared all thirteen with Rabbi Chiya, who shared them with Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi. The laundry person was credited with saving these teachings.

Interesting that our rabbis noted great rabbis becoming less acute as they aged.  It is wonderful to know that the rabbis saw their teachers as fallible human beings without losing respect for their genius.

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