Thursday 30 October 2014

Yevamot 27: On Chalitza and Rival Wives and Gets and Death

Today's daf is extremely complicated.  We follow the rabbis arguments regarding the efficacy of chalitza with regard to numerous situations.  In particular, the rabbis are interested in the requirement of chalitza with rival wives in different circumstances.  Rav believes that the levirate bond is substantial and that an invalid chalitza must be repeated to be valid.  Shmuel, on the other hand, believes that a yavam should complete chalitza with each sister (see yesterday's case) and that the rival wives and close relatives of those rival wives are permitted to marry that yavam.

The rabbis also turn their attention to which should be considered first, a woman who holds a get, a divorce certificate, or a woman who has been betrothed in levirate marriage.  From this discussion, the rabbis turn to the development of protocols when women die before the process of chalitza is finished.

Reading each argument is like  figuring out a mystery. There are multiple rules, sometimes conflicting each other, that must be known and applied to each case.  When I have not fully integrated my understanding of these rules, it is very difficult to follow the rabbis' arguments.

Needless to say, our Sages are concerned both about "doing it right" and about the ease with which people can manage their social realities.

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