Monday 3 June 2013

Eiruvin 87a, b

Balconies, water and different domains - this is the crux of today's daf.  It seem as thought the rabbis are  considering  very specific details and possibilities at this point in the masechet.  They debate about different styles of balconies; different measurements and different domains that might allow or prohibit carrying water.

Again I am reminded of how lucky I am to live in Toronto with more than enough water available right into my home.  I cannot fathom the difficulties of a life without access to water at all times.  Even when water is available, like in the situations discussed in today's daf, carrying that water is a continual consideration.  To prohibit people from carrying water is very serious indeed, and the rabbis go to great lengths to understand exactly when and why a Jew cannot access water on Shabbat.

As a liberal Jew, I have chosen use water freely on Shabbat - both heated and cold.  I don't think about changing my habits regarding water over Shabbat.  Perhaps that is a separate, not-halachic reason to follow halacha regarding the use of water: when there are restrictions on the use of water, we appreciate our regular access that much more.  I'm interested in pursuing this further for both environmental and ethical/personal development reasons.  Somehow the halachic imperative is less compelling to me at this point in time... we'll see how that may change over time.

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